Mirror Mates

Are you true Mates?

You and your Mate need to draw the same image of a thing. 

Your images will be compared by an algorithm and it will return a percantage of how equal your images are. If the images are above a specific threshold you will earn a point. Otherwise you lose a heart.

The game is Over when you have no hearts left. 

Are you true Mates and draw the exact Mirror of your friends image? findit out ;)

How To Play?

You can create public and private games. All public games can be found with the "Search Games" button. To play private games together you have to copy the URL or just the gameId wich can be entered at the start page. Send the URL/ID to your friend and he/she can join.

As the creator of the game you can configure a few thing:

  • Time: the time for how long you can draw
  • Threshold: this is the threshold wich decides if you get a point. If the percentage of your images compared is over the threshold you will get a point. Otherwise you will lose a life
  • Lifes: How often you can lose a round

You both will be presented with a random thing. after a few seconds you will see the pixel drawer. You can select diffrent colors at the bottom. When you hold CTRL you are in the 'fill' mode.

Have fun ;)

Full Code of the Project: @Github


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Couldn't find anyone to play with a starting a public game didn't allow me to actually click "Start Game"